Találmányok, amelyek megváltoztatták a modern gazdaságot – T. Harford interjúja

BlogMadarász Aladár

From Lightbulbs to Mutual Funds: Tim Harford on Inventions That Changed the Modern Economy

Paper, the gramophone, double-entry bookkeeping, and barbed wire all make the list

August 16, 2017 – http://www.smithsonianmag.com/

Economist and journalist Tim Harford is well-known in his native England and beyond for his long-running Financial Times column, The Undercover Economist, which looks at the hidden economics concepts behind everyday items and experiences. He’s written several books of popular economics, which have been translated into 30-plus languages. His new book, 50 Inventions That Shaped the Modern Economy, will be published in the United States on August 29. We talked to Harford about his book, which includes inventions as varied as the gramophone, double-entry bookkeeping and the birth control pill.

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