2019. szeptember 30.

BlogFöldi Adrienn

A növekedés mint innováció – Paul Romer videóinterjúja
A Nobel Economist Cites Growth as Innovation
By Steve Mirsky
Paul Romer, an expert in what’s known as endogenous growth theory and winner of the 2018 Nobel prize in economics, speaks to Scientific American about seeing economic growth as increased value, akin to when ingredients in a recipe are used to create a dish worth more than the original raw materials. His research concludes that investment in people, knowledge and innovation are primary growth factors.
on September 11, 2019 – Scientific American

Egyenlőtlenség, populizmus és újraelosztás: európai közgazdászok véleménye
Inequality, Populism, and Redistribution
Friday, September 20th, 2019 – The Initiative on Global Markets
Az euroszkepticizmus globális tanulságai
Global lessons from Euroscepticism
Stephanie Bergbauer, Jean-Francois Jamet, Hanni Schölermann, Livio Stracca, Carina Stubenrauch
20 September 2019 – VOX CEPR

Banco De Espana Conference on Global Imbalances and Capital Flows in the Era of New Technologies

Miért romolhat a világkereskedelem egyensúlya, mielőtt javulni kezdene? B. Setser
Why Global Trade Imbalances Could Get Worse Before They Get Better…
Transatlantic imbalances reflect Europe’s demand deficit, which should be easy to solve (but isn’t). Transpacific imbalances haven’t disappeared. And are likely harder to solve, as they stem from an underlying savings surplus.
Blog Post by Brad W. Setser
September 20, 2019 – https://www.cfr.org/blog/

Big Fish Eat Little Fish – Pieter Bruegel the Elder /1556/

Az amerikai oligopólium-probléma költsége – A. Schechter
The Cost of America’s Oligopoly Problem
Posted on September 16, 2019 by Asher Schechter
ProMarket – The blog of the Stigler Center at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Két írás a kapitalizmusról: C. Dillow, B. Milanovic

The trouble with capitalism
Chris Dillow
September 18, 2019 – Stumbling and Mumbling /An extremist, not a fanatic/
With the US and China, Two Types of Capitalism Are Competing With Each Other
Posted on September 25, 2019 by Branko Milanovic
ProMarket – The blog of the Stigler Center at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business

A statue of Adam Smith in Edinburgh’s High Street. Photo by Charles Clegg [CC BY-SA 2.0]

Martin Feldsteinre emlékezve – J. Poterba, L. Summers
Public economics and public policy: The ideas and influence of Martin Feldstein, 1939-2019
James Poterba, Lawrence H. Summers
25 September 2019 – VOX CEPR

Egyszer régen a bankvilágban: történelmi visszapillantás a banki versenyre – M. Carlson, S. Correia, S. Luck
Once Upon a Time in the Banking Sector: Historical Insights into Banking Competition
Mark Carlson, Sergio Correia, and Stephan Luck
September 23, 2019 – Liberty Street Economics

Fizetni az adatokért – J. Gans
Paying for Data
Posted on September 23, 2019 by Joshua Gans
Digitopoly – Competition in the Digital Age

Liberalizmus, semlegesség és a munka gender-szempontú megosztása – H. Brougham
Liberalism, Neutrality and the Gendered Division of Labor
by Harry Brighouse
on September 23, 2019 – out of the crooked timber

A nem-hatékony szabályozás költsége: a Volcker-szabály – S. Cecchetti, K. Schoenholtz
The Costs of Inefficient Regulation: The Volcker Rule
Stephen G. Cecchetti – Kermit L. Schoenholtz
September 23, 2019 – Money and Banking

Miért vállalkoznak inkább egyes társadalmak, mint mások – V. Assenova
Why Are Some Societies More Entrepreneurial than Others? Evidence from 192 Countries over 2001-2018
by Valentina Assenova
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Date Written: January 25, 2019


Robert Litterman /Jake Armour/Minneapolis Fed/

Interjú Robert Littermannal – D. Clement
Robert Litterman interview: Climate change, the financial crisis, and other high-risk problems
“We don’t have 10 years to spare. We don’t have three years.
This should have been done long ago. Carbon pricing is the only brake we have, and we’ve got to slam on it immediately.”
Douglas Clement | Editor, The Region – Published September 17, 2019

Az amerikai idősek foglalkoztatása – T. Taylor
Employment Patterns for Older Americans
Timothy Taylor
Friday, September 27, 2019 – CONVERSABLE ECONOMIST

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