2019. június 12.

BlogFöldi Adrienn

A klímaváltozás a mi III. világháborúnk – J. Stiglitz
The climate crisis is our third world war. It needs a bold response
Joseph Stiglitz
4 June 2019 – The Guardian

A grönlandi jégtakaró eltűnésének közgazdaságtana – W. Nordhaus
Economics of the disintegration of the Greenland ice sheet
William Nordhaus
first published June 4, 2019 – PNAS /Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America/
Edited by William C. Clark, Harvard University

Az AEA új folyóirata:
Amy Finkelstein interjúja –
C. Fleisher, T. Smith
Introducing AER: Insights
The AEA interviews editor Amy Finkelstein about the launch of the organization’s newest journal.
Chris Fleisher and Tyler Smith
May 28, 2019 – American Economic Association

Három írás a közgazdaságtan oktatásáról és tankönyveiről: S. Bowles, W. Carlin, G. Mankiw

What students learn in economics 101: time for a change
Samuel Bowles and Wendy Carlin
7 May 2019 – Forthcoming Journal of Economic Literature

Reflections of a Textbook
Author N. Gregory Mankiw
Harvard University – March 6, 2019

Six guidelines for teaching intermediate macroeconomics
N. Gregory Mankiw
Published online: 03 Jun 2019

Miért kell a közgazgazdaságtannak digitálissá válnia – D. Coyle
Why Economics Must Go Digital
Diane Coyle
Jun 7, 2019 – Project Syndicate

MarsYu/Getty Images

Trump miatt lassul az amerikai gazdasági növekedés – R. Barro
Trump Is Slowing US Economic Growth
Robert J. Barro
Jun 4, 2019 – Project Syndicate

Segíti-e a kereskedelmi reform a gazdasági növekedést? D. Irwin
Does Trade Reform Promote Economic Growth? A Review of Recent Evidence
Douglas A. Irwin
NBER Working Paper No. 25927
Issued in June 2019 – National Bureau of Economic Research

W. Darity interjúja: egyenlőtlenség, rassz, rétegződés – T. Taylor
Interview with William “Sandy” Darity Jr.: Inequality, Race, Stratification, and More
Timothy Taylor
Thursday, June 6, 2019 – CONVERSABLE ECONOMIST

Vita az univerzális alapjövedelemről – D. Acemoglu, I. Robeyns

Why Universal Basic Income 
Is a Bad Idea

by Daron Acemoglu on June 7, 2019 Project Syndicate
How to debate universal basic income
by Ingrid Robeyns on June 9, 2019 Crooked Timber

Csökken a piaci verseny? T. Sablik, N. Trachter
Are Markets Becoming Less Competitive?
Article by: Tim Sablik and Nicholas Trachter
June 2019, No. 19-06 – Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

A gazdasági siker és kudarc európai atlasza – Darvas Zs., J. Mazza, C. Midoes
A European atlas of economic success and failure
By: Zsolt Darvas, Jan Mazza and Catarina Midoes
Date: June 3, 2019 – Bruegel

A görög depresszió makroökonómiája – G. Chodorow-Reich, L. Karabarbounis, R. Kekre
The Macroeconomics of the Greek Depression
Gabriel Chodorow-Reich, Loukas Karabarbounis, Rohan Kekre
NBER Working Paper No. 25900
Issued in May 2019 – National Bureau of Economic Research

Az Italexit: a párhuzamos pénz megújult fenyegetése – S. Cecchetti, K. Schoenholtz
Italeave: The Renewed Threat of a Parallel Currency
Stephen G. Cecchetti – Kermit L. Schoenholtz
June 10, 2019 – Money, Banking, and Financial Markets


A Bretton-Woods-i rendszer egyensúly-zavarai 1965-1973 között – M. Bordo
The imbalances of the Bretton Woods System between 1965 and 1973: US inflation, the elephant in the room
Michael Bordo
7 June 2019 – VOX

A magánpénzek szabályozása – G. Gorton
The Regulation of Private Money
Gary B. Gorton
NBER Working Paper No. 25891
Issued in May 2019 – National Bureau of Economic Research

Korea: Északkelet-Ázsia Németországa – B. Setser
Korea, the “Germany” of Northeast Asia…
Korea has no shortage of fiscal space. It should use it.
Blog Post by Brad W. Setser
June 4, 2019 – The Council on Foreign Relations

Három elmélettörténeti szöveg: J. K. Galbraith-ról, a Say-(Walras)törvényről és A. Randról – R. Foroohar, D. Glasner, M. Gessen

Old economists can teach us new tricks
It is time for US business and government to embrace Galbraith’s pragmatic approach
Rana Foroohar
June 2, 2019 – Financial Times

Say’s (and Walras’s) Law Revisited
David Glasner
Published June 6, 2019 – Uneasy Money

The Persistent Ghost of Ayn Rand, the Forebear of Zombie Neoliberalism
By Masha Gessen
June 6, 2019 – The New Yorker


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