COMPETITION AND REGULATION 2020 Pál Valentiny, Zombor Berezvai, Csongor István Nagy
The Institute of Economics, CERS launched a new series of publications entitled “Verseny és szabályozás” (Competition and Regulation) in 2007. Twelve annual volumes have been published so far in Hungarian. The current volume is the second one in English, and it contains 10 selected translations from the crop of the last four years. It offers the reader a glimpse into the current state of research in its chosen field in Hungary.
Tünde Gönczöl • Antitrust hipsters and their critics
Gergely Csorba • Should European competition policy change in reaction to global challenges? Lessons from the Siemens–Alstom merger and its impact
Pál Valentiny • Market and government failures. The changing relationship between industrial policy and competition policy interventions
Borbála Tünde Dömötörfy – Barnabás Sándor Kiss – Judit Firniksz •
Ostensible Dichotomy? By object and by effect restraints in EU competition law, with special regard to the Budapest Bank case
Csongor István Nagy • Why is leniency policy less effective in Hungary: is there a regulatory answer?
Zombor Berezvai • The impact of retail regulation on consumer prices
Zoltán Pápai – Péter Nagy • Dancing with hands and feet tied.
The handling of zero-rating in net neutrality regulation as demonstrated by the Telenor Hungary vs NMHH case
Vivien Csonka • An analysis of the integration of mobile network operators: efficiency gains and distortive effects on competition
Surd Kováts – Gábor Szabó • Competition law interventions by the European Commission on energy markets
Péter Kotek – Adrienn Selei – Borbála Takácsné Tóth •
The impact of the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline on gas prices and competition
List of original Hungarian chapters
List of Contributors