THE HUNGARIAN LABOUR MARKET - REVIEW AND ANALYSIS 2010 Fazekas Károly, Lovász Anna, Telegdy Álmos
The series of our labour market yearbooks was launched with the goal of reviewing the main developments in the Hungarian labour market annually, and of giving an in-depth analysis of selected issues. In this volume the first part gives an overview of the labour market impact of the first year of the economic crisis, and the policy response to it. The second part analyzes characteristics of labour market discrimination and segregation. The introductory chapter of this section summarizes the different types of observable statistical differences between groups present in the labour market, introduces the standard economic models of labour market discrimination, and discusses non-discriminatory phenomena which may also lead to the observed between-group differences. The third part describes the legal and institutional environment of the Hungarian labour market in 2008-2009. The closing part presents a comprehensive collection of statistical data on labour related issues.
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Table of ContentsForeword by the EditorsThe Hungaria labour market in 2008–2009In Focus: Labour Market DiscriminationThe legal and institutional environment of the Hungarian labour marketStatistical dataIndex of Tables and Figures
The book was annotated in the Journal of Economic Literature: Vol. 49 No. 1 (March 2011) p. 214-215.