Transition in Agriculture – Agricultural Economics in Transition XVI.

2019.11.14. - 2019.11.15. 9:00 - 15:00

Helyszín: Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (CERS IE-HAS), 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4. Ground Floor room K 11-12.

Thursday, 14 November, 2019

9:00     Imre Fertő (CERS IE/KU): Introduction 


9:10     J. Stephen Clark (Dalhousie University) and Lukas Cechura (Czech University of Life Sciences): Heteroskedasticity in Crop Yields with small N large T panels: An Application to Grains Yields for Crop Districts in the Province of Saskatchewan

9:50     Lukas Cechura (Czech University of Life Sciences) and J. Stephen Clark (Dalhousie University): Crop Area Response as a Spatial Econometric Problem with an Application to Cropping Districts in  Saskatchewan 

10:30   10: 50 Coffee break 


10:50   Lajos Baráth (CERS IE) and Raushan Bokusheva (Zurich University of Applied Sciences): Modelling state-contingent technology: the case of production and price uncertainty

11:30   Heinrich Hockmann (IAMO): The dynamics of efficiency analysis 

12:10   13:10 Lunch break 

Food Chain Governance 

13:10   Gaetano Martino (Università degli Studi di Perugia): Governing milk quality through meso-institutions: A comparative analysis

13:50   Gábor G. Szabó (CERS IE): Co-operation in the agri-food economy: trends, models – challenges, barriers

14:30   14:50 Coffee break

Rural Development

14:50   Katarzyna Zawalińska (Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development – Polish Academy of Sciences): Impact of generational renewal measures of CAP on Polish economy and rural areas

15:30   Zoltán Bakucs (CERS IE/CUB): Regional Development Convergence in Central-East Europe – A spatial perspective at NUTS3 level

18:30   Conference dinner at the Dreher Brewery 

Friday, 15 November, 2019 

9:00     Chris High (University of Lund): A research agenda for the implementation of the sustainable development goals in rural Europe

9:40     Dan-Marius Voicilas (Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romanian Academy): Organic farming evolution and EU quality schemes

10:20   Coffee break 

Local Food

10:40   Zsófia Benedek (CERS IE) and Imre Fertő (CERS IE/KU): The multiplier effect of local food: a systematic review

11:20   Gusztáv Nemes (CERS IE/CUB): Eat the view! – local food in a rural tourism destination

12:00   13:00   Lunch break

Farm sector analysis

13:00: Štefan Bojnec (University of Primorska) and Imre Fertő (CERS IE/KU): Drivers of farm growth in Slovenia

13:40   Vitalij Krupin (Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development – Polish Academy of Sciences): Resilience of horticulture farming in Poland: SURE-Farm H2020 approach and collected evidence

14:20 Coffee break

Farm sector analysis

14:40   Anca Izvoranu (Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romanian Academy): Impact of taxation on farmers in Romania

15:20 Enikő Vígh, Krisztina Miskó, A Németh and József Fogarasi (Research Institute of Agricultural Economics): Willingness to participate in results-oriented agri-environmental measures. An ecosystem service analysis

16:00   Imre Fertő (CERS IE/KE): Conference closure

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