Transition in Agriculture – Agricultural Economics in Transition XIV.

2017.11.16. - 2017.11.17. 9:00 - 18:00

Helyszín: Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (CERS IE-HAS), 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4. Ground Floor room K 0.13-K0.14

Thursday, 16 November, 2017

9:00     Imre Fertő (CERS IE-HAS/KU/CUB): Introduction

Productivity and Effiency Analysis

9:10     Bakucs Zoltán (CERS IE-HAS): The Impact of Climate Change on the Efficiency of Hungarian Crop Sector

9:50     Lukas Cehura (Czech University of Life Sciences) and Raushan Bokusheva (OECD): Measuring the effect of subsidies on PTE

10:30   Coffee break

10:50   Baráth Lajos (CERS IE-HAS): Productivity Analysis in EU agriculture under consideration of different technologies: A Common Factor Approach

11:30   Natalia Kuosmanen (Natural Resources Institute Finland) and Timo Kuosmanen (Aalto University) How creative destruction of farms affects total factor productivity of Finnish agricultural sector?

12:10   13:10   Lunch break

Food Chain Issues

13:10   Xavier Gellynck (Ghent University, Division of Agri-Food Marketing and Chain Management): Strenghtening the farmers’ position in the chain through increased market transparency: Lessons from the literature

13:50   Adrienn Molnár (CERS IE-HAS/ Ghent University, Division of Agri-Food Marketing and Chain Management): Development approaches for agribusiness SMEs for improving their supply chain performance

14:30   Štefan Bojnec (University of Primorska): Drivers of Farm Income Risk in Slovenia

15:10   Coffee break

15:30   Aldona Stalgiené (Lithuanian Insitute of Agricultural Economics): Dairy farmers’ business strategies in Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia and Netherlands

Agricultural Trade

16:10   Alessandro Olper (University of Milan):  Standards, Trade Margins and Product Quality: Firm-level Evidence from Peru

16:50   Imre Fertő (CERS IE-HAS): Extensive and Intensive Margin of Agri-Food Trade in the European Union

19:00   Conference dinner

Friday, 17 November, 2017

Rural Development

9:00     Joseph Molnar (Auburn University): Tax Credits and Loan Programs for Community Facilities and Economic Development: Complex Tools, Limited Local Capacity, and Barriers to Participation

9:40     Jan Fałkowski (University of Warsaw): Looking at land inequality through the lenses of informal institutions: some evidence on religious participation in Poland

10:20   Coffee break

10:40   Sara Brown(HAS/ United States-Hungarian Fulbright Independent Researcher) The Social Economy on the Rise in Rural Washington State USA

11:20   Katarzyna Zawalińska (Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development – Polish Academy of Sciences): The role of CAP in land-use conflicts: regional analysis for Poland

12:00   13:00   Lunch break

13:00   Błażej Jendrzejewski (Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development – Polish Academy of Sciences): Integration of natural capital with the System of National Accounts for CGE modelling

13:40   Chris High (University of Lund) and Gusztáv Nemes (MTA KRTK KTI): M&E and social learning in rural development:  A theoretical framework and three case studies – pt 1

14:20   Chris High (University of Lund) and Gusztáv Nemes (MTA KRTK KTI): M&E and social learning in rural development:  A theoretical framework and three case studies – pt 2

15:00   Imre Fertő (CERS IE-HAS/KE/CUB): Conference closure

18:00   Party

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