
Miért veszítenek a munkások a kapitalistákkal szemben – N. Smith

BlogMadarász Aladár

Why Workers Are Losing to Capitalists   Automation and offshoring may be conspiring to reduce labor’s share of income. by  Noah Smith   2017. ...   Read More »

A munkavállalói tulajdon mint társadalmi megoldás – D. Little

BlogMadarász Aladár

Daniel Little Worker-owned enterprises as a social solution   image: Mondragon headquarters, Arrasate-Mondragon, Spain Sunday, September 17, 2017 –

A trösztellenes szabályozás a munkapiacon: protekcionista vagy versenybarát – M. Steinbaum

BlogMadarász Aladár

Antitrust in the Labor Market: Protectionist, or Pro-Competitive? Posted on September 20, 2017 by Marshall Steinbaum     Redirecting antitrust enforcement to confront ...   Read More »

Az AfD választási sikere Németországban: a náci szavazatok árnya

BlogMadarász Aladár

  Explaining the Alternative für Deutschland party’s electoral success: The shadow of Nazi voting Davide Cantoni, Felix Hagemeister, Mark Westcott 18 September 2017 – ...   Read More »

Amit J. Dimon, a JPMorgan Chase elnöke rosszul tud a bitcoinról és a tulipánokról – A. Brown

BlogMadarász Aladár

What Jamie Dimon Got Wrong About Bitcoin and Tulips The problems cryptocurrencies help solve will not disappear if their prices collapse the way tulip ...   Read More »

Mire valók a közgazdászok – C. Snyder

BlogMadarász Aladár

What are economists for? When you meet someone at a cocktail party who learns you are an economist, the inevitable question follows, “What’s the ...   Read More »

A gazdasági bánat öt szakasza – D. Orrell

BlogMadarász Aladár

Economyths: The Five Stages of Economic Grief A healthy healing process for the economics profession to slowly come to terms with its role in ...   Read More »

A Nagy Recesszióban a lebegő árfolyam köszöni, jól van

BlogMadarász Aladár

In a Great Recession, the case for flexible exchange rates is alive and well Giancarlo Corsetti, Gernot Müller, Keith Kuester16 September 2017 – ...   Read More »

Hogyan vesztettem el a múltamat – B. Milanovic

BlogMadarász Aladár

How I lost my past Branko Milanovic   Saturday, September 16, 2017 –

Az információs közgazdaságtan forradalma – J. Stiglitz

BlogMadarász Aladár

The Revolution of Information Economics: The Past and the Future Joseph E. Stiglitz NBER Working Paper No. 23780Issued in September 2017NBER Program(s):   DEV The economics ...   Read More »

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