2019. június 19.

BlogFöldi Adrienn

Rosszul használt metaforák a mesterséges intelligencia kapcsán – S. Greenstein
Misapplied metaphors in AI policy
Posted on June 16, 2019 by shanegreenstein on Digitopoly – Competition in the Digital Age

A mennyiségi könnyítésnek nem lesz alternatívája a következő recesszióban – B. Eichengreen
Unconventional Thinking about Unconventional Monetary Policies
Barry Eichengreen
Jun 10, 2019 – www.project-syndicate.org

Vita a költségvetési deficit szabályairól – O. Blanchard, C. Wyplosz


Europe Must Fix Its Fiscal Rules
Olivier Blanchard
Jun 10, 2019 – www.project-syndicate.org


Olivier in Wonderland
Charles Wyplosz
17 June 2019 – VOX

Kudarc a felkészülésben: felkészülés a kudarcra – J. Williams
If We Fail to Prepare, We Prepare to Fail
Speech – John C. Williams, President and Chief Executive Officer
Remarks at Council on Foreign Relations, New York City As prepared for delivery
Note: These remarks are based on those delivered at the 9th High-Level Conference on the International Monetary System on May 14, 2019.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Ezúttal is ugyanaz lehet a globális gazdaságban – A. Fatas
This time might not be different
Antonio Fatas
on June 06, 2019 | Antonio Fatas on the Global Economy

Mese két országról, amelynek exporttöblete van: Kína és Németország – Y-W. Cheung, S. Steinkamp, F. Westermann
A Tale of Two Surplus Countries: China and Germany
Yin-Wong Cheung, Sven Steinkamp, and Frank Westermann
Working Paper No. 114 INSTITUTE OFEMPIRICAL ECONOMIC RESEARCH OsnabrückUniversity May2019

Néhány pillanatfelvétel a globális energiahelyzetről – T. Taylor
Some Snapshots of the Global Energy Situation
Timothy Taylor
Thursday, June 13, 2019 – CONVERSABLE ECONOMIST
A teljes anyag itt letölthető:
Statistical Review of World Energy

A centrista ökológia illúziója – T. Piketty
The illusion of centrist ecology
Thomas Piketty
11 juin 2019 http://piketty.blog.lemonde.fr


Miért nem akar visszavonulni a professzor, aki töb mint fél évszázada tanít – R. Nash
Why I Have Not Yet Retired
Robert J. Nash explains why he believes one can still be effective at age 80 as both a teacher and a scholar.
By Robert J. Nash
June 12, 2019 – Inside Higher Ed

Miért maradnak fenn a szakszervezetek? R. Murphy
Why Unions Survive: Understanding How Unions Overcome The Free-Rider Problem
Richard Murphy
NBER Working Paper No. 25924
Issued in June 2019 – National Bureau of Economic Research

A viselkedési közgazdaságtan útmutatója 2019 – új e-könyv
Coming June, 2019: The Behavioral Economics Guide 2019 | Behavioraleconomics.com | The BE Hub
A brand new edition of the most popular publication on behavioral science ideas and applications. Featuring with an introduction by Uri Gneezy, a guest editorial by Nina Mazar, and contributions from leading practitioners around the world. Edited by Alain Samson.

Emlékezés Martin Feldsteinre – J. Frankel
Guest Contribution: “Remembering Martin Feldstein” | Econbrowser
A guest post written by Jeffrey Frankel, Harpel Professor at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, and formerly a member of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. Remembering Martin Feldstein. June 13, 2019 — Here in Cambridge, we are reeling from the passing of Martin Feldstein on Tuesday. He was tremendously influential both as scholar and teacher.

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Intézményünk országos ésnemzetközi hálózati kapcsolatátaz NIIF program biztosítja
Közgazdaság- és Regionális Tudományi Kutatóközpont Közgazdaság-tudományi Intézet
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