2019. július 23.

BlogFöldi Adrienn

Mi hajtja a populizmust? D. Rodrik
What’s Driving Populism?
Dani Rodrik
Jul 9, 2019 – Project Syndicate


Enrico Moretti – Photo by Brittany Hosea-Small

Gazdasági jóllét és földrajzi különbségek: E. Moretti interjúja – D. Price
Enrico Moretti
Article by: David A. Price
Econ Focus – First Quarter 2019 – Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S1048984319X0003X-cov150h.gifMilyen gyakran jár pozitív gazdasági hatással a diktatúra? S. Rizio, A. Skali
How often do dictators have positive economic effects? Global evidence, 1858–2010
Stephanie M.Rizio – Ahmed Skali
In press, corrected proof, Available online 16 July 2019 – The Leadership Quarterly

https://journals.sagepub.com/na101/home/literatum/publisher/sage/journals/content/aexb/2019/aexb_64_1/aexb_64_1/20190207-01/aexb_64_1.cover.png50 éves a közgazdasági Nobel-emlékdíj – A. Sanderson, J. Siegfried
The Nobel Prize in Economics Turns 50
Allen R. Sanderson, John J. Siegfried
First Published June 3, 2019 – The American Economist – Online First

Trösztellenes szabályozás a digitális gazdaságban
Antitrust in the Digital Economy
Timothy Taylor
Friday, July 19, 2019 – CONVERSABLE ECONOMIST

A Facebook kriptopénze mindenkit felbosszant – M. Levine
Facebook’s Crypto Annoys Everyone
Also activist vs. Ackman, blockchain projects and fat fingers.
By Matt Levine
2019. július 17. Money Stuff – Bloomberg Opinion

Két írás a Fed függetlensége védelmében
S. Cecchetti-K. Schoenholtz, D. Glasner

Protecting the Federal  Reserve
Kermit L. Schoenholtz – Stephen G. Cecchetti
July 08, 2019 – Money & Banking 
Dr. Shelton Remains Outspoken:
She Should Have Known Better

David Glasner
Published July 11 – Uneasy Money 

A globális takarékosság paradoxona – L. Fornaro, F. Romei
The paradox of global thrift
Luca Fornaro, Federica Romei
16 July 2019 – VOX CEPR Policy Portal

Valóban a plutokrácia a probléma? B. Eichengreen
Is Plutocracy Really the Problem?
J. Bradford DeLong
Jul 9, 2019 – Project Syndicate

Miért alacsony világszerte az infláció? Ò. Jordà, C. Marti, F. Nechio, E. Tallman
Why Is Inflation Low Globally?
Òscar Jordà, Chitra Marti, Fernanda Nechio, and Eric Tallman
July 15, 2019 – FRBSF Economic Letter

Képtalálat a következőre: „A Culture of Growth: The Origins of the Modern Economy, Joel Mokyr”Uralkodni a természeten engedelmeskedve neki: recenzió J. Mokyr könyvéről – E. Spolaore
Commanding Nature by Obeying Her: A Review Essay on Joel Mokyr’s A Culture of Growth
Enrico Spolaore
NBER Working Paper No. 26061
Issued in July 2019

Képtalálat a következőre: „firefight ben bernanke”Tűzoltás: B. Bernanke, T. Geithner és H. Paulson könyve a pénzügyi válságról és a tanulságokról – L. Ball
Ben S. Bernanke, Timothy F. Geithner, and Henry M. Paulson Jr.: Firefighting: The financial crisis and its lessons
Penguin Books, 2019, ISBN 978-0143134480
Laurence Ball
Published online: 12 July 2019 © National Association for Business Economics 2019

Monetáris politika a válság utáni korszakban – J. Powell
Monetary Policy in the Post-Crisis Era
Chair Jerome H. Powell
Speech at “Bretton Woods: 75 Years Later—Thinking about the Next 75,” a conference organized by the Banque de France and the French Ministry for the Economy and Finance, Paris, France
July 16, 2019 – Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Monopszonikus hatalom a felsőoktatásban – A. Goolsbee, C. Syverson
Monopsony Power in Higher Education: A Tale of Two Tracks
Austan Goolsbee, Chad Syverson
NBER Working Paper No. 26070
Issued in July 2019

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