2019. július 16.

BlogFöldi Adrienn

Három írás Kínáról – Kornai János, egy McKinsey-jelentés, S. Horn-C.Reinhart-C. Trebesch

Economists share blame for China’s ‘monstrous’ turn
Western intellectuals must now seek to contain Beijing
Janos Kornai
July 10, 2019 – Financial Times – Opinion – Chinese politics & policy

China and the world: Inside the dynamics of a changing relationship
McKinsey Global Institute
July 2019 | Report – McKinsey

China’s Overseas Lending
Sebastian Horn, Carmen M. Reinhart, Christoph Trebesch
NBER Working Paper No. 26050
Issued in July 2019

Európának központi bankárként C. Lagarde-ra van szüksége – B. Eichengreen
The Central Banker Europe Needs
Barry Eichengreen
Jul 9, 2019 – Project Syndicate

Patricia De Melo Moreira/AFP/Getty Images

A Fed féléves jelentése a Kongresszusnak a monetáris politikáról – J. Powell
Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress
Chair Jerome H. Powell
July 10, 2019 Before the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.

Az USA monetáris poltikájának globális dimenziói – M. Obstfeld
Global Dimensions of U.S. Monetary Policy
Maurice Obstfeld
NBER Working Paper No. 26039
Issued in July 2019

Mit kell megértenie Amerikának a kapitalizmusról – C. Brown, S. Sällström
What America Needs to Understand About Capitalism
Clair Brown , Simon Sällström
Jul 12, 2019 – Project Syndicate

Trump adóreformja és az USA fizetési mérlege – B. Setser
The Trump Tax Reform, As Seen in the U.S. Balance of Payments Data
July 3, 2019 – Blog Post by Brad W. Setser – The Council on Foreign Relations

https://libertystreeteconomics.typepad.com/.a/6a01348793456c970c0240a46da3af200c-500wiLeértékelődött-e a felsőfokú végzettség a nagy recesszió idején? R. Chakrabarti, M. Jiang, W. Nober
Did the Value of a College Degree Decline during the Great Recession?
Rajashri Chakrabarti, Michelle Jiang, and William Nober
July 10, 2019 – Liberty Street Economics – Federal Reserve Bank of New York

A mikrohitel átlagos hatása – R. Meager
Understanding the average effect of microcredit
Rachael Meager
Published 07.01.19 – VOXDEV

Malthus komolyan – J. Madsen, P. Robertson, L. Ye
Taking Malthus seriously
Jakob Brøchner Madsen, Peter Robertson, Longfeng Ye
14 July 2019 – VOX CEPR Policy Portal

Fogytán a homok ideje – M. Bendixen, J. Best, C. Hackney, L. Iversen
Time is running out for sand
Mette Bendixen, Jim Best, Chris Hackney & Lars Lønsmann Iversen
2 July 2019 – Nature – International Journal of Science

In Lagos Lagoon in Nigeria, labourers dig sand from the sea floor by hand.
Credit: Robin Hammond/Panos

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