2018. augusztus 10.

BlogFöldi Adrienn


Csalárdul az elit javára működik? Az Economist vitája a kapitalizmusról – J. Furman, D. McCloskey, C. Williams
Is capitalism rigged in favour of elites?
August 7th 2018 to August 13th 2018 – https://debates.economist.com/debate/capitalism

Avinash Dixit interjúja – E. Wallach
An Interview with Avinash Dixit, Professor of Economics Emeritus at Princeton University
By Eric Wallach
August 4, 2018 – http://thepolitic.org/



A magasabb hőmérséklet hatása a gazdasági növekedésre – R. Colacito, B. Hoffmann, T. Phan and T. Sablik
The Impact of Higher Temperatures on Economic Growth
Article by: Riccardo Colacito, Bridget Hoffmann, Toan Phan and Tim Sablik
August 2018, No. 18-08 – Economic Brief – Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

Trump politikája és a hosszútávú növekedés – K. Rogoff
Are Trump’s Policies Hurting Long-Term US Growth?
Kenneth Rogoff
Aug 6, 2018 – https://www.project-syndicate.org/

A kereskedelmi háború 1914-ben – J. Cochrane
Trade War 1914
John H. Cochrane
Tuesday, July 31, 2018 – John Cochrane’s blog

Hogyan küzdött meg Kína a globális pénzügyi válsággal – S. Wren-Lewis
How China beat the Global Financial Crisis
Simon Wren-Lewis
Friday, 3 August 2018 – https://mainlymacro.blogspot.com/

A makroökonómiai kutatás jelene és múltja – P, Glandon, K. Kutter, S. Mazumder, C. Stroup
Macroeconomic Research, Present and Past
Posted: Philip Glandon, Kenneth N. Kuttner, Sandeep Mazumder, Caleb Stroup
Date Written: August 2, 2018 – https://papers.ssrn.com/

A bevándorlók etnikai szegregációja az USA-ban 1850 és 1940 között – K.Eriksson, Z. Ward
The ethnic segregation of immigrants in the US from 1850 to 1940
Katherine Eriksson, Zach Ward
6 August 2018 – https://voxeu.org/

Minden jó közgazdász feminista – L. Zingales
Why Every Good Economist Should Be Feminist
As every good economist knows, markets work best when they are competitive. Therefore, every good economist should also be a feminist, defending a level playing field for all genders, writes Luigi Zingales in this op-ed.
Posted on August 2, 2018 by Luigi Zingales on promarket.org

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