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COMPETITION AND REGULATION 2015 Pál Valentiny, Ferenc László Kiss, Krisztina Antal-Pomázi, Csongor István Nagy

The Institute of Economics at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences launched a new series of publications entitled “Verseny és szabályozás” (Competition and Regulation) in 2007. Eight annual volumes have been published so far, all in Hungarian. The current volume is the first one in English, and it contains 12 selected translations from the crop of the first seven years. It offers the reader a glimpse into the current state of research in its chosen field in Hungary. The publication of this volume has been financially supported by the Hungarian Competition Authority.

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THE HUNGARIAN LABOUR MARKET 2015 Fazekas Károly, Varga Júlia

The Hungarian Labour Market Yearbook series was launched fifteen years ago by the Institute of Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences with support from the National Employment Foundation. The yearbook presents the main characteristics of the Hungarian labour market and of the Hungarian employment policy, and features an in-depth analysis of a topical issue each year. From the outset, the editorial board has striven to bring relevant and us¬able information on trends in the Hungarian labour market, the legislative and institutional background of employment policy, and up-to-date findings from Hungarian and international research studies to policy makers, civil servants, municipalities, NGOs, higher education and research institutions, the press and electronic media.
Continuing our previous editorial practice, we selected an area that we considered especially important from the perspective of understanding Hungarian labour market trends and the effectiveness of evidence-based policies. Thus, this year the focus is on public works in Hungary.

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