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Publications - CERS-IE Working Papers

From January of 2020, the Discussion Papers and Budapest Working Papers series have been merged and renamed as  CERS-IE Working Papers. The goal of  CERS-IE Working Paper series is to promote discussion and provoke comments, they have not been peer-reviewed. Any references to discussion papers should clearly state that the paper is preliminary. Materials published in this series may be subject to further publication.

The papers of the two former Working Paper series can be reached through the following links:

Discussion Papers

Budapest Working Papers


2020/23 Mária Lackó Disparities in premature and old age mortality in Europe in the first decade of the 2000s CERS-IE Working Papers Download publication

2020/23 Disparities in premature and old age mortality in Europe in the first decade of the 2000s Mária Lackó

This study presents disparities in mortality rates of 38-41 European countires and attempts at giving explanations for these. Explanatory factors of premature (0-64 ages) and old age (above 65 years old) mortality rates are compared accordig to cause-specific diseases and genders for 2009. In addition, mortality disparities due to avoidable (preventable and treatable) diseases are analyzed on a narrower sample of countries for 2015.

The model applied in the investigations takes into account the living conditions and life-styles of the population in the given countries i.e. GDP per capita, geographical location, air-pollution, educational level, tobacco and spirit consumption habits, and health care expenditures.

The most astonishing result is connected with the effect of air pollution: this factor has a similarly big weight in increasing premature male mortality as the well-known factor, tobacco consumption. Moreover, in the case of old age male mortality air pollution even dominate the effect of smoking.

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