
Journal article by Anikó BÍRÓ and Péter ELEK in BMJ Open

“The effect of primary care availability on antibiotic consumption in Hungary: a population based panel study using unfilled general practices” by Anikó BÍRÓ and ...   Read More »

Journal article by Tamás HAJDU, Gábor KERTESI and Gábor KÉZDI in Population and Development Review

Health Differences at Birth between Roma and non‐Roma Children in Hungary: Long‐run Trends and Decomposition by Tamás HAJDU, Gábor KERTESI and Gábor KÉZDI was ...   Read More »

Journal article by Gusztáv NEMES in Studies in Agricultural Economics

“The local food system in the ‘genius loci’ – the role of food, local products and short food chains in rural tourism” by Gusztáv ...   Read More »

Conference presentations by László CZALLER and Zsófia ZÁDOR at the 4th workshop of the Young Economic Geographers Network

The following conference presentations were held by our researchers at the 4th workshop of the Young Economic Geographers Network – Regional Development and Peripheral ...   Read More »

Conference presentation by László Á. KÓCZY at the 72nd European Meeting of the Econometric Society

“The geopolitical impact of Nord Stream 2” was presented by László Á. KÓCZY at the 72nd European Meeting of the Econometric Society in Manchester.

Conference presentation by Márta BISZTRAY at the EARIE 2019 conference

“The effect of foreign-owned large plant closures on nearby firms” was prsented by Márta BISZTRAY at the 46th Annual Conference of the European Association ...   Read More »

Sándor JUHÁSZ and László LŐRINCZ at the 4th European Conference on Social Networks

The following conference presentations were held at the 4th European Conference on Social Networks by our researchers: Sándor JUHÁSZ: Brokering the core with periphery ...   Read More »

Conference presentation by István KÓNYA at the EEA-ESEM 2019 conference

“Interest premium and external position: a state dependent approach és Labor shares in the EU – sectoral effects and the role of relative prices” ...   Read More »

Conference presentation by Gábor KERTESI at the EEA-ESEM 2019 conference.

“The effect of a nationwide neonatal intensive care system on infant mortality and long-term health impairments” was presented by Gábor KERTESI at the EEA-ESEM ...   Read More »

Conference presentation by Brigitta NÉMETH at the 5th International Conference on Computational Social Science

“Network effects in internal migration” was presented by Brigitta NÉMETH at the “5th International Conference on Computational Social Science”.

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