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The Hungarian Labour Market Yearbook presents the actual characteristics of the Hungarian labour market and employment policy, and provides an in-depth analysis of a topical issue each year. The editorial board has striven to deliver relevant and useful information on trends in the Hungarian labour market, the legislative and institutional background of the employment policy, and up-to-date findings from Hungarian and international research studies to civil servants, staff of the public employment service, municipalities, NGOs, public administration offices, education and research institutions, the press and electronic media. The yearbook series presents the main characteristics and trends of the Hungarian labour market in an international comparison based on the available statistical information, conceptual research and empirical analysis in a clearly structured and easily accessible format. Continuing our previous editorial practice, we selected an area that we considered especially important from the perspective of understanding Hungarian labour market trends and the effectiveness of evidence-based employment policy. The topic of In Focus chapter is the labour shortage in this year.

The book can be downloaded in one file (pdf) or by chapters:

The Hungarian labour market in 2016 (Tamás Bakó & Judit Lakatos)
In Focus: Labour shortage
Foreword by the editor (János Köllő)
1 Definition and measurement
1.1 How to define labour shortage (János Köllő, Daniella Nagy & István János Tóth)
1.2 “Labour shortage” in the Hungarian public discourse (István János Tóth & Zsanna Nyírő)
1.3 Trends in basic shortage indicators (János Köllő, Zsanna Nyírő & István János Tóth)
1.4 Distortions in vacancy statistics, corporate and job centre shortage reports (János Köllő & Júlia Varga)
1.5 Shortage and unemployment (János Köllő & Júlia Varga)
2 The “usual suspects” – demographic replacement and employment abroad
2.1 Demographic replacement (Zoltán Hermann & Júlia Varga)
2.2 The impact of demographic replacement on employment structure (Éva Czethoffer & János Köllő)
2.3 Labour emigration and labour shortage (Ágnes Hárs & Dávid Simon)
3 Recruitment difficulties, business opportunities and wages – enterprise-level analysis
3.1 Enterprises complaining about recruitment difficulties (István János Tóth & Zsanna Nyírő)
3.2 Manifest shortage – vacancies and idle capacities (Miklós Hajdu, János Köllő & István János Tóth)
3.3 Wage levels, manifest shortage, planned and actual pay rises (János Köllő, László Reszegi & István János Tóth)
3.4 Long-term trends in relative wages. are there any signs indicating shortage? (Éva Czethoffer & János Köllő)
4 Labour shortage and vocational education
4.1 Vocational training (János Köllő)
4.2 The career plans of 15 year olds: who wants to enter STEM? (Zsuzsa Blasko & Artur Pokropek)
5 The role of adaptability
5.1 What are the tendencies in demand? The appreciation of noncognitive skills (Károly Fazekas)
5.2 Labour mobility in Hungary (Júlia Varga)
5.3 Knowledge accumulation in adulthood (János Köllő)
5.4 Might training programmes ease labour shortage? The targeting and effectiveness of training programmes organised or financed by local employment offices of the Hungarian Public Employment Service (Anna Adamecz-Völgyi, Márton Csillag, Tamás Molnár & Ágota Scharle)
Labour market policy tools (April 2016 – May 2017) (Miklós Hajdu, Ágnes Makó, Fruzsina Nábelek & Zsanna Nyírő)
Index of tables and figures
Statistical data

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