
Journal article by Tamás HAJDU, Gábor KERTESI and Gábor KÉZDI in The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy

Inter-Ethnic Friendship and Hostility between Roma and non-Roma Students in Hungary: The Role of Exposure and Academic Achievement by Tamás HAJDU, Gábor KERTESI and ...   Read More »

Presentation by Péter BIRÓ at the 15th Matching in Practice workshop

Complexity of finding Pareto-efficient allocations of highest welfare was presented by Péter BIRÓ at the 15th Matching in Practice workshop. The topic for the policy roundtable was ...   Read More »

Journal article by Imre FERTŐ and Stefan BOJNEC in New Medit

“Assessing and understanding the drivers of farm income risk: Evidence from Slovenia” by Imre FERTŐ and Stefan BOJNEC in New Medit: download. Abstract The ...   Read More »

Chapter by Attila HAVAS and K. Matthias WEBER in EU-SPRI Annual Conference Vienna 2017

The role of foresight in shaping the new production revolution – chapter by Attila HAVAS and K. Matthias WEBER in Book of Abstracts, Eu-SPRI Annual ...   Read More »

Chapter by Attila HAVAS and György MOLNÁR in Book of Abstracts, EU-SPRI Annual Conference Vienna 2017

Hungarian social co-operatives: a policy tool to promote social innovation? – chapter by Attila HAVAS and György MOLNÁR in Book of Abstracts, Eu-SPRI Annual Conference ...   Read More »

Conference presentation by Imre Fertő

Extensive and intensive margin in Central European agri-food trade was presented by Imre FERTŐ at the LX. Georgikon Napok international conference.

Journal article by Daniel HORN [et al.] in Applied Economics

Using regression tree ensembles to model interaction effects: a graphical approach was published by Daniel HORN [et al.] in Applied Economics. Fritz Schiltz, Chiara ...   Read More »

Chapter by Magdolna Sass [et al.] in Book of abstracts / Budapest Business School conference

Asian Foreign Direct Investments in Hungary – chapter by Magdolna SASS, ÉVA OZSVALD, Kiran SHOBHA and Ágnes SZUNOMÁR in The transformation of Asian economic institutions ...   Read More »

Seminar presentation by Balázs MURAKÖZY

Productivity Differences in Hungary and Mechanisms of TFP Growth Slowdown was presented by Balázs MURAKÖZY at the DG Grow seminar in Brussels.

Hubert János KISS in the PLOS ONE Editorial Board

Hubert János KISS has become an Editorial Board member at PLOS ONE . Congratulations!

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