
Are farms in less favored areas less efficient? – paper by Lajos BARÁTH, Imre FERTŐ and Stefan BOJNEC in Agricultural Economics

Are farms in less favored areas less efficient? – paper by Lajos BARÁTH, Imre FERTŐ and Stefan BOJNEC was published in Agricultural Economics. Abstract ...   Read More »

Stable project allocation under distributional constraints – paper by Péter BIRÓ and Kolos Csaba ÁGOSTON

Stable project allocation under distributional constraints – paper by Péter BIRÓ and Kolos Csaba ÁGOSTON was published in Operations Research Perspectives. Abstract In a ...   Read More »

New paper by Fritz SCHILTZ, Chiara MASCI, Tommaso AGASISTI and Daniel HORN in Applied Economics

New paper by Fritz Schiltz, Chiara Masci, Tommaso Agasisti and Daniel HORN in Applied Economics: Using regression tree ensembles to model interaction effects: a ...   Read More »

Panic bank runs – by Hubert János KISS, Ismael Rodriguez-Lara and Alfonso Rosa-Garcia in Economics Letters

Panic bank runs – by Hubert János KISS, Ismael Rodriguez-Lara and Alfonso Rosa-Garcia in Economics Letters Hubert J. Kiss, Ismael Rodriguez-Lara, Alfonso Rosa-Garcia, Panic ...   Read More »

Impact of European Union development subsidies on Hungarian regions – by Zoltán BAKUCS, Imre FERTŐ, Ágnes VARGA and Zsófia BENEDEK in European Planning Studies

Impact of European Union development subsidies on Hungarian regions – by Zoltán BAKUCS, Imre FERTŐ, Ágnes VARGA and Zsófia BENEDEK in European Planning Studies. ...   Read More »

Optimal Payments to Connected Depositors in Turbulent Times: A Markov Chain Approach – paper by Hubert János KISS and Dávid CSERCSIK in Complexity

“Optimal Payments to Connected Depositors in Turbulent Times: A Markov Chain Approach” by Hubert János KISS and Dávid CSERCSIK was published in Complexity. Dávid ...   Read More »

Call for Experts to be Included in the Registry of Research Infrastructure Reviewers

The ResInfra@DR project has launched an open call for experienced evaluators who want to be included in a registry of research infrastructure (RI) reviewers. ...   Read More »

Which preferences associate with school performance?—Lessons from an exploratory study with university students by Dániel HORN and Hubert János KISS was published

Which preferences associate with school performance?—Lessons from an exploratory study with university students by Dániel HORN and Hubert János KISS was published in PLoS ...   Read More »

On bargaining sets of supplier-firm-buyer games by Ata ATAY and Tamás SOLYMOSI

On bargaining sets of supplier-firm-buyer games by Ata ATAY and Tamás SOLYMOSI was published in Economics Letters. Abstract We study a special three-sided ...   Read More »

The paper: Decentralized Clearing in Financial Networks by Péter CSÓKA was published online in Management Science

The paper: Decentralized Clearing in Financial Networks by Péter CSÓKA was published online in Management Science. Abstract We consider a situation in which ...   Read More »

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