
Journal article by Daniel HORN [et al.] in Applied Economics

Using regression tree ensembles to model interaction effects: a graphical approach was published by Daniel HORN [et al.] in Applied Economics. Fritz Schiltz, Chiara ...   Read More »

Chapter by Magdolna Sass [et al.] in Book of abstracts / Budapest Business School conference

Asian Foreign Direct Investments in Hungary – chapter by Magdolna SASS, ÉVA OZSVALD, Kiran SHOBHA and Ágnes SZUNOMÁR in The transformation of Asian economic institutions ...   Read More »

Seminar presentation by Balázs MURAKÖZY

Productivity Differences in Hungary and Mechanisms of TFP Growth Slowdown was presented by Balázs MURAKÖZY at the DG Grow seminar in Brussels.

Hubert János KISS in the PLOS ONE Editorial Board

Hubert János KISS has become an Editorial Board member at PLOS ONE . Congratulations!

Conference presentation by Kolos Csaba ÁGOSTON at the KOI2018

New formulations for college admission problem with common quotas was presented by Kolos Csaba ÁGOSTON at The International Conference on Operational Research (KOI) 2018.  

Conference presentation by Ágnes CSEH at the Frontiers of Market Design conference

Organizing Time Banks: Lessons from Matching Markets was presented by Ágnes CSEH at the Frontiers of Market Design conference.

Conference presentation by Márton GYETVAI at the KOI 2018

“Joint optimization of transition rules and premiums in a Bonus-Malus system” was presented by Márton GYETVAI at  The International Conference on Operational Research (KOI) 2018.

Project grant on matching applications

MTA Cooperation of Excellences Programme: Heuristic problem solving in matching mechanisms The MTA KRTK KTI Mechanism design research group has received 40,000k HUF grant ...   Read More »

Journal article by Imre FERTŐ and Stefan BOJNEC in Agricultural Economics – Zemeldska Ekonomika

Drivers of the duration of comparative advantage in the European Union’s agri-food exports by Imre FERTŐ and Stefan Bojnec was published in Agricultural Economics – ...   Read More »

Journal article by Péter BIRÓ [et al.] in Games and Economic Behavior

The stable fixtures problem with payments by Péter BIRÓ, Walter Kern, Danial Paulusma and Péter Wojuteczky was publiched in Games and Economic Behavior. Abstract We ...   Read More »

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