
Presentation by Anikó BÍRÓ at The University of Edinburgh, School of Economics

Job loss, disability pension and health expenditures was presented by Anikó BÍRÓ at The University of Edinburgh, School of Economics.

Conference presentation by Mária CSANÁDI at the 4th The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism (SVOC)

Dynamics of anticorruption campaigns and power redistribution in China was presented by Mária CSANÁDI at the 4th The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism (SVOC) conference.

Conference presentation by Márta BISZTRAY at the 11th FIW International Economics conference

The effect of FDI on local suppliers – Evidence from Audi in Hungary was presented by Márta BISZTRAY at the 11th FIW International Economics research conference.

Presentation by Balázs MURAKÖZY at the UCL

Skill based innovation activities was presented by Balázs MURAKÖZY at the UCL.

JOurnal article by Péter BIRÓ et al in Transplantation

Building Kidney Exchange Programmes in Europe – An Overview of Exchange Practice and Activities by Péter BIRÓ and Haase-Kromwijk, Bernadette; Andersson, Tommy; Ásgeirsson, Eyjólfur ...   Read More »

Attila JUHOS won 1st prize at the Scientific Conference for Students

Our resarch assistant Attila Juhos won 1st prize at the Scientific Conference for Students (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering ...   Read More »

Presentation by GUsztáv NEMES at the 1st World Congress of Agrotourism

The winemakers’ society – wine tourism and its socio-economic effects in two Central European wine-regions (Hungary and Austria) was presented by Gusztáv NEMES at ...   Read More »

Conference presentation by Ágnes CSEH in Paris

Stable flows was presented by Ágnes CSEH at the ORDERED STRUCTURES IN GAMES AND DECISION conference in Paris.

Journal article by Sándor JUHÁSZ and Balázs LENGYEL in Journal of Economic Geography

Creation and persistence of ties in cluster knowledge networks by Sándor JUHÁSZ and Balázs LENGYEL has been published in Journal of Economic Geography Abstract Knowledge ...   Read More »

Presentation by Hubert János KISS at the Annual Financial Market Liquidity Conference

Who runs first to the bank? was presented by Hubert János KISS at the Annual Financial Market Liquidity Conference.

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