
Presentation by Zoltán ELEKES and Gergő TÓTH at the 4th EAEPE Research Area X Networks Workshop

“Inventor Collaboration and it’s Persistence across European Regions” was presented by Zoltán ELEKES and Gergő TÓTH at the 4th EAEPE Research Area X Networks Workshop.

Péter BIRÓ at The Law and Economics of Market Design workshop

Péter BIRO participated at The Law and Economics of Market Design workshop / Hard Choices: Allocation Problems in Healthcare Panel.The conference provided an international platform ...   Read More »

Conference presentation by Attila HAVAS at The 8th International Academic Conference: Foresight and STI Policy

The relevance of foresight for supporting research infrastructure policies was presented by Attila HAVAS at The 8th International Academic Conference: Foresight and STI Policy.

Journal article by Balázs LENGYEL and Rikard H. Eriksson in Economic Geography

Co-worker Networks and Agglomeration Externalities by Balázs LENGYEL and Rikard H. Eriksson in Economic Geography: Abstract The present article provides an initial systematic analysis ...   Read More »

Conference Presentation by Attila HAVAS at the Impact of R&I Policy at the Crossroads of Policy Design, Implementation and Evaluation conference

Ex-ante evaluation, monitoring and socio-economic impact assestment of research infrastructures in the Danube macro region: Current practices and proposed methods was presented by Attila ...   Read More »

Conference presentation by Magdolna Sass at the ITEMA 2018 conference


Presentations by Mária CSANÁDI and Ferenc GYURIS

Presentations by Mária CSANÁDI and Ferenc GYURIS in China: 23 October Beijing: National Development and Reform Commission, Institute of Spatial Planning and Regional Economics ...   Read More »

Journal article by Márta BISZTRAY, Miklós KOREN and Ádám SZEIDL in Journal of International Economics

Learning to import from your peers by Márta Bisztray, Miklós KOREN and Ádám SZEIDL in Journal of International Economics has been published. Abstract We use ...   Read More »

Conference presentation by Péter BIRÓ at the 10th UECE Lisbon Meetings

“International Kidney Exchange Games” was presented by Péter BIRÓ at the 10th UECE Lisbon Meetings. (full programme here)

Conference presentation by Ágnes CSEH

“Popular Matchings in Complete Graphs” was presented by Ágnes CSEH at the 10th UECE Lisbon Meetings. (Full programme here.)

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