
Conference presentation by Ágnes SZABÓ-MORVAI at SOLE 2019

The Effect of Neonatal Intensive Care Units on Neonatal and Infant Mortality: Evidence from 45 Years of Establishing and Operating a National Network was ...   Read More »

Conference presentation by Gábor BÉKÉS at CAED 2019

Do friends follow each other? FDI network effects in Central Europe was presented by Gábor BÉKÉS at the Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data (CAED) ...   Read More »

Conference presentation by Balázs REIZER at SOLE 2019

Skill-biased Innovation Activities was presented by Balázs REIZER at the annual conference of The Society of Labor Economists. download full program here

Mechanism Design group members at the MATCH-UP 2019

The following conference presentations were performed by the member of the Mechanism Desing research group at the MATCH-UP-2019 workshop: “International Kidney Exchange Programmes: Optimisation ...   Read More »

Conference presentations by Attila HAVAS at the Eu-SPRI 2019

“From imposed to smart specialization? Policy stances, practice and likely impacts in Central Europe” and “Responsive and cocreation modes of STI policy governance for ...   Read More »

Conference presentations at the LETC 2019

The following conference presentations were held by our researchers at the Ljubjana Emprical Trade Conference 2019: Mártay BISZTRAY: Do friends follow each other? FDI ...   Read More »

Conference presentations by Imre FERTŐ and Zoltán BAKUCS

Conference presentations by Imre FERTŐ and Zoltán BAKUCS at the Beeronomics 2019 conference: Imre Ferto: Economic crisis and the duration of world beer export ...   Read More »

Journal article by Dániel HORN in Labour Economics

“Does it matter when your smartest peers leave your class? Evidence from Hungary” by Fritz Schiltz, Deni Mazrekaj, Dániel Horn and Kristof De Witte ...   Read More »

Conference presentation by Imre FERTŐ at the Management International Conference

“The growth of Hungarian farm” was presented by Imre FERTő at the Management International Conference. conference website

Conference presentation by Róbert SOMOGYI at the 24th Spring Meeting of Young Economists

“Zero-rating and Net Neutrality” was presented by Róbert SOMOGYI at the 24th Spring Meeting of Young Economists in Brussels. conference website  

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