
Conference presentation by Ágnes CSEH at the MAPLE conference

Pareto optimal coalitions of fixed size was presented by Ágnes CSEH at the MAPLE (Markets, Algorithms, Predictions and Learning) conference.

Gusztáv NEMES at the 5th Heritage forum of Central Europe

Cultural heritage in the ‘genius loci’ – local attraction and place attachment in a rural tourism destination was presented by Gusztáv NEMES at the ...   Read More »

Presentation by Attila HAVAS at the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Conference

Innovation indicators: their relevance for assessing innovation performance, advancing theory development, and assisting policy formation was presented by Attila HAVASat the 31st European Association ...   Read More »

Conference presentation by Márta BISZTRAY at the ETSG 2019 conference

The effect of FDI on local suppliers – Evidence from Audi in Hungary was presented by Márta BISZTRAY at the ETSG 2019 conference.

Conference presentations at the 4th European Conference on Social Networks

The following conference presentations were held by our researchers at the 4th European Conference on Social Networks: Urban Segregation Conditions Network Effects on Income ...   Read More »

Conference presentation by Judit KÁLMÁN at the ESPANet

Gender Differences in Effects of Labor Market Status on Subjective Well-Being Across European Welfare Regimes; Public works program in Hungary: allocation mechanism, resources and ...   Read More »

Conference presentation by Eszter BOKÁNYI at the Innovation, Economic Complexity and Economic Geography Workshop

Simulating income inequality in ride-sharing services was presented by Eszter BOKÁNYI at the Innovation, Economic Complexity and Economic Geography Workshop conference website

Conference presentation by Károly Miklós KISS at the ERSA Congress

Related and unrelated diversification in crisis an in prosperity was presented by Károly Miklós KISS at the 59th Congress of the European Regional Science ...   Read More »

Article by Imre FERTŐ in Journal of Institutional Economics

“Agricultural soft budget constraints in new European Union member states” by Imre FERTŐ, Štefan Bojnec, József Fogarasi and Ants Hannes Viira was published in ...   Read More »

Journal article by Imre FERTŐ and Magdolna SASS in Applied Economics Letters

“FDI according to ultimate versus immediate investor countries: which dataset performs better?” by Imre FERTŐ and Magdolna SASS was published in Applied Economics Letters. ...   Read More »

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