
Journal article by Zoltán ELEKES, Ron BOSCHMA and Balázs LENGYEL in Regional Studies

“Foreign-owned firms as agents of structural change in regions” by Zoltán ELEKES, Ron BOSCHMA and Balázs LENGYEL was published in Regional Studies. download open access version ...   Read More »

Conference presentation by Balázs REIZER at the Royal Economic Society 2019 Annual Conference

Wage Structure, Employment and Efficiency was presented by Balázs REIZER at the Royal Economic Society 2019 Annual Conference. conference website Abstract: I document new facts ...   Read More »

Imre FERTŐ and Zoltán BAKUCS at the Agricultural Economics Society’s annual conference

Imre FERTŐ: “The duration of the EU agri-food trade” and Zoltán BAKUCS: “Agglomeration and Spillover Effects of Regional Development Programs” were presented by our collegues at the Agricultural ...   Read More »

Presentation by Judit KÁLMÁN at the InGRID-2 Spring Seminar

“Vulnerable groups on the labour market – determinants and consequences of economic vulnerability across Europe” was presented by Judit KÁLMÁN at the InGRID-2 Spring ...   Read More »

Attila HAVAS at the CNAM “Actualité de Jean-Jacques Salomon” workshop

“STI policies and framework conditions for innovation” was presented by Attila HAVAS at the CNAM “Actualité de Jean-Jacques Salomon” workshop in Paris.

Seminar by Ata ATAY at Aix-Marseille School of Economics

Multi-sided assignment games on m-partite graphs was presented by Ata ATAY at the Aix-Marseille School of Economics seminar. Abstract: We consider a multi-sided assignment game ...   Read More »

Journal article by Péter ELEK in The European Journal of Health Economics

The closer the better: does better access to outpatient care prevent hospitalization? – by Péter ELEK, Tamás MOLNÁR and Balázs VÁRADI was published in ...   Read More »

Conference presentation by Péter ELEK at the ATHEA conference

“Caesarean Delivery and the Use of Antidepressants” was presented by Péter ELEK at the FOURTH ATHEA CONFERENCE FOR HEALTH ECONOMICS. conference website conference program  

Conference presentation by Attila JUHOS at the STACS 2019

“Pairwise preferences in the stabil marriage problem” was presented by Attila JUHOS at the 36th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science in ...   Read More »

Publication in Agricultural Economics by Imre FERTŐ and Stefan BOJNEC

“Do CAP subsidies stabilise farm income in Hungary and Slovenia?” by Imre FERTŐ and Stefan BOJNEC in Agricultural Economics: Do CAP subsidies stabilise farm ...   Read More »

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